Sunday, December 20, 2009

Steak & Potatoes

Sorry for not updating for so long! I actually took photos of myself cooking Thanksgiving dinner, but they seem to have disappeared... anyway, with all the stress of the school semester ending, I wasn't in the mood to cook. This resulted in a lot of unhealthy, uninteresting dinners. Oops!

Anyway, the hubby and I had steak and potatoes for dinner on Friday night. I made "not quite mashed potatoes", which he likes. Tris has issues with creamy food (yogurt, cottage cheese, pudding, etc) so when I make mashed potatoes to go with dinner I make sure they're not all the way "done". I take the out of the boiling water when they are still a little tough and then gently "mash" them, so they're chunky instead of creamy. With cheese and a dollop of sour cream, they taste just like a baked potato from the steakhouse!

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