Monday, May 17, 2010

Apple Pie

Sorry for the lull... again! I was super-busy with school, but I'm out now for summer.

I made an apple pie for my parent's cookout last month. It was super-delicious. :) I'm posting about half the recipe, here, too. The actual recipe can be found in the Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book (otherwise known as "the plaid cook book").

These are very large photos, taken with my new DSLR, so please wait a minute or two for them to load! They're worth it, I promise. :)

First you need a kitchen:

And you also need a dog:

Then you need the recipe, which can be found in the Better Homes and Gardens Plaid Cookbook... I use the Bridal Edition, generously given to me by my friends Sara and Kevin:

The ingredients...

2.5 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 of a teaspoon salt
2/3 cup of vegetable shortening
8 to 10 teaspoons cold water

6 cups thinly-sliced apples (I use 3 or 4 granny smith apples, about 4.5 cups in actuality but more than enough apples)
1 tablespoon lemon juice (optional)
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg (I don't use this)
1/3 cup dried cranberries (optional)
milk (optional)
sugar (optional)

And a nosy fat cat.

Start making the crust by stirring together the flour and salt, then cutting in the shortening until you make pea-sized crumbles. You're supposed to do this with a pastry blender, but I don't have one, so I just use a fork. Then add the water one tablespoons at a time and mush it in with the fork until you have a sticky dough.

Turn the dough out onto a lightly-floured surface--I just use my (clean!) countertop. Separate it into two halves, and form each half into a ball.

If you wear rings or bracelets, take them off. I always forget and end up cleaning pastry out of my wedding rings.

Mush the pastry dough ball down with your hands into a circle, then finish it out with a rolling pin.

Roll the pastry up and unroll it over a pie plate. You don't have to grease the plate first.

Slice up the apples. Technically you're supposed to peel them as well, but I just give them a good washing and leave the peel on... I like it that way. :) You can sprinkle lemon juice over the apples if you want, but I don't... they don't really have time to darken anyway.

Stir the 3/4 cup of sugar, the flour, and the cinnamon together. You could add nutmeg, too, but I don't (just because nutmeg is expensive, you use all of 1/8 teaspoon of it for this pie, and I can't taste the difference between nutmeg and cinnamon all that well anyway).

Add the sliced apples and toss them in the mixture you've just made.

Lay the apples out in the pie plate. I am kind of OCD about this and lay them out in a nice, even pattern.

Use up all the apples--I did two layers of apples and then spooned the rest of the mixture out of the bowl.

Roll out the second half of the pastry dough, then roll up it up and unroll it over the top of the pie.

Cut the excess off the top layer of dough. The layer underneath should be slightly longer than the top layer.

Fold the bottom layer over the top layer.

Now, use your fingers to gently crimp the edges together. This is the first time I've done this that it's looked okay, normally the edge of my pie just looks mushy. :) Then cut a small "x" in the center of your pie and cut some vents in as well so your pie doesn't explode while baking. Also, brush the top of the pie with some milk and sprinkle a bit of sugar on it--it'll make the top of the pie nice and crisp.

Fold a square of aluminum foil into quarters and then cut the corner off so that you have a hole in the middle of the foil. Put it around the pie so that the edges don't burn while it's cooking.

Bake your pie at 375 degrees (F) for 40 minutes, remove the foil and then bake for 20 minutes more.

Take your pie out of the oven, let it cool slightly and then EAT UP! :D

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Steak & Potatoes

Sorry for not updating for so long! I actually took photos of myself cooking Thanksgiving dinner, but they seem to have disappeared... anyway, with all the stress of the school semester ending, I wasn't in the mood to cook. This resulted in a lot of unhealthy, uninteresting dinners. Oops!

Anyway, the hubby and I had steak and potatoes for dinner on Friday night. I made "not quite mashed potatoes", which he likes. Tris has issues with creamy food (yogurt, cottage cheese, pudding, etc) so when I make mashed potatoes to go with dinner I make sure they're not all the way "done". I take the out of the boiling water when they are still a little tough and then gently "mash" them, so they're chunky instead of creamy. With cheese and a dollop of sour cream, they taste just like a baked potato from the steakhouse!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies

My husband really likes chocolate chip cookies, so we tend to make them at least once a week. (My "we", I mean "me", of course. I'm not letting him anywhere near my $300 mixer*.) This is why we're fat.

*A wedding gift from all 7 female members of our wedding party. Blog post about how I am possibly more in love with the mixer than with my husband forthcoming.

Chicken Parmesan & Spaghetti

What do you do when you're poor, out of bread crumbs, and want to fry chicken? You use crackers. And it's delicious. I used an entire package of Ritz crackers (not the box, the little plastic roll that they come in) and threw in half a graham cracker for good measure. Let me tell you, that graham cracker worked some magic because the breading was just slightly sweet... it rocked. If you ever fry anything with cracker-breading, add half a graham cracker. It also smelled really good while it was frying!

Tori's Chicken Parm
- thin-sliced/halved chicken breasts
- Ritz crackers and/or bread crumbs
- seasoning: oregano, basil, parsley
- oil (for frying)
- pasta sauce
- shredded mozzarella cheese
- 1 egg

Put the bread crumbs (or crackers) into a gallon-size baggie with the seasonings. Mush it up good. Dip the chicken breasts one at a time into a beaten egg and then shake them in the baggie to coat with breading. You can do this twice if you want it really crunchy!

Fry the chicken breasts in a pan with the oil before transferring them to a baking sheet. Spoon pasta sauce on the breasts before heaping shredded mozzarella on top. Bake in a 350-375 degree oven until the mozzarella is thoroughly melted.

*Sorry I'm not better with recipes; I tend to make it up as I go along... anyway, on to the photos!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stuffed Cabbage

Let me assure you that I am not some sort of pervy cabbage-fancier. Cabbage provides an interesting photo opportunity, nothing more, nothing less. Oh, and it's delicious when you stuff it full of ground beef and rice.

Peppers & Onions

Taco night is always the best night. Taco night is the most awesome night, though, when you add fried green pepper & onions to your tacos.

Interesting Photography Note: the hubby and I employ energy-saving lightbulbs, which make all the photos taken in my house turn out very yellow. The bottom image is very obviously Photoshopped. :)

Pizza Pockets

This is my solution for "I don't know what to cook". It's quick, it's easy, it's delicious and you can eat it with your hands.

Pizza Pockets (Serves Two*)
- Pillsbury refrigerated pizza dough
- no-stick cooking spray
- pasta sauce
- shredded mozzarella cheese
- pepperoni
- other toppings, if you so choose

Pat the pizza dough into two large rectangles on a baking sheet that's been sprayed with non-stick spray. On one half of a rectangle, spread a couple spoonfuls of pasta sauce, sprinkle on a handful of shredded mozzarella cheese and top with pepperoni/other tops. You can add more cheese on top of this. Top it all off with a final dollop of pasta sauce, fold the rectangle over and pop it in the oven, following directions from the pizza dough can. Flip about halfway through cooking.

*By "two", I mean "my husband and I". Keep in mind that can of dough is supposed to make an entire pizza, so maybe you're not so much a fatty as I am and you don't want to eat the equivalent of half a pizza by yourself... food for thought. /pun